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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Daylight Robbery(2008)

By on 4/10/2014 03:41:00 AM

Daylight Robbery is a 2008 English film directed by Paris Leonti and stars Paul Nicholls and Geoff Bell.
Alex masterminds an ambitious plan to steal millions of untraceable cash that is stacked in the underground vaults of the London Exchange Bank, waiting for its last journey, incineration. Lucky, Matty, Terry, Chubby, Norman and Jay make up his unlikely gang of robbers. They initially set-up an airline check-in clerk as their alibi, by checking in to join the thousands of England supporters that are part of a mass exodus to the World Cup Tournament in Germany (2006). Then, instead of passing through to departure lounge, the gang head out to the car park, pile into a van and head for Central London where they spectacularly ram raid London Exchange Bank, blocking any exit for those caught up inside.

Their plan involves a tunnel they have dug up under the bank to funnel out the cash and themselves, all within a couple of hours, in order to catch their flight out to Germany. For this purpose, they have also set-up an accomplice among the hostages, who will later patch up their exit point from the bank and himself escape among the freed hostages once the police move in.

However, as soon as they break-in, they have to contend with Chubby's leg wound that he has incurred after falling out of the van as it rams into the bank entrance. Chubby passes out soon thereafter from blood loss, forcing the gang to interact with the police camped outside and get a doctor brought in to the crime scene. All this while they are running on a short 2-hour deadline. Things go smoothly elsewhere, however, and they are able to hustle the bags of cash and themselves out the tunnel. However, right at the very end, Norman, the last man out, is trapped in the tunnel when a portion in the middle collapses. Alex sends everyone else off to the airport and frantically digs out Norman , ferrying him to the airport in a cab, where he makes his flight at the very last moment.

At the end of the film, it is revealed that Chubby never recovered from his leg wound and died when the plane landed in Germany, resulting in the police able to match together evidence from the crime scene with Matty's identity and working backwards to piece together the gang's original plan. However, Alex who did not travel to Germany, was never caught and has since disappeared with the money. He is shown to be supporting the rest of the gang through their temporary prison terms as well as Chubby's widow.


About Tejpal Choudhary

Tejpal is a Tech Geek,Website designer,blogger and an engineer who loves to do blogging everyday.


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